We use a subset of all colors to create a smaller color palette for generating color schemes, that includes Bootstrap’s default color schemes and Atlassian design’s Discovery
color scheme.
Discovery theme
New Feature
Theme color used for communicates something new, such as onboarding or new feature information.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-discovery | |
.bg-discovery-subtle | |
.border-discovery | |
.border-discovery-subtle | |
.text-discovery | Aa |
Primary theme
Main theme color, used for primary actions or focus styles, and component and form active states.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-primary | |
.bg-primary-subtle | |
.border-primary | |
.border-primary-subtle | |
.text-primary | Aa |
Success theme
Used for positive or successful actions and information.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-success | |
.bg-success-subtle | |
.border-success | |
.border-success-subtle | |
.text-success | Aa |
Danger theme
Used for errors and dangerous actions.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-danger | |
.bg-danger-subtle | |
.border-danger | |
.border-danger-subtle | |
.text-danger | Aa |
Warning theme
Used for non-destructive warning messages.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-warning | |
.bg-warning-subtle | |
.border-warning | |
.border-warning-subtle | |
.text-warning | Aa |
Info theme
Used for neutral and informative content.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-info | |
.bg-info-subtle | |
.border-info | |
.border-info-subtle | |
.text-info | Aa |
Light theme
Additional theme option for less contrasting colors.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-light | |
.bg-light-subtle | |
.border-light | |
.border-light-subtle | |
.text-light | Aa |
Dark theme
Additional theme option for higher contrasting colors.
CSS | Swatch |
.bg-dark | |
.bg-dark-subtle | |
.border-dark | |
.border-dark-subtle | |
.text-dark | Aa |